Isaiah, Zay Zay or Zaya loves his little thumb and is a huge drooler. He reminds me of my brother in so many ways - one being, he's a thumb sucker. Noah was prestine and hardy spit up or drooled at his age - but homie over here drools so much he has to be changed a few times a day. She chews on everything, his fists, my knee, his socks which he soaks so bad I have to wash. He also has the stinkiest little ripe feet for a baby, we say he gets that from his uncle Jimmy. He'll be a few hours out of the bath and they will have already gone sour. Noah has seen us smelling his feet so much, she does it now and reports on his funk. Today I caught her sniffing a little boy in the play pit's feet. I know, it's gross.
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