Noah, I think, it totally potty trained. She's really into it. I don't even have to bribe her with stickers or beg her with a cookie (fig newton.) She is also into sitting on the big potty. She told me a few days ago first pointing to her potty then to the toliet, "This is my potty, and that's your potty." Since her whole day is a string of comands from me, she now tels me what to do. "Mommy, you sit down and go peepee." Once I'm done, "Mommy wash your hands." She hasn't offered me a sticker yet - but I'm sure she'll do it soon.
And yes, those are her baet sippers. Teh ight before last she pleaded to wear them to bed, and yes I let her. Then, in the morning, when I tried to take them off she cried and begged I leave them on. Noah ask everyday if we are going to dance class. She pointed to Isaiah and said, "He's going to come to dance class and dance with his sister." It was one of the first times I have eard her refer to herself as a "sister."
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I love her!
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