She's up to a lot, always. She's into everything, asks about everything and wants to have and do everything. She's up to picking her nose and eating it. She's up to getting up in the middle of the night and coming in bed with us to cuddle. She's up to tap and ballet and practicing her performance of "Hard Knock Life." She's up to watching cartoons in Chinese on Youtube. She's up to missing her daddy when he's gone. She's up to rollerskating (previously pronounced roller-skapping) with the helmet and knee pads Nana & Papa gave her for Christmas. She's up to telling me she's bored, something she picked up from a friend's daughter (which I don't like one bit.) She's up to requesting "The Ring Song" (Beyonce's Single Ladies.) She's up to sneaking out of her bed and reading books in her closet. She's up telling Isaiah and everyone else what to do. She's up to wearing her hair "wild." She's up to being tall enough to ride Splash Mountain and telling you about it. She's up to puzzles, drawing, painting, dancing, hiding, running, talking, talking and talking. She's up to too much to tell it all.
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