A year ago I said I would post pictures of our home for those of you who still haven't come visit us yet... you bastards! This house means so much to me, to us. I found this house and we stalked the family until we finally convinced them to sell it to us. The house was pink, there was no real porch and it sat on top a hill of the dustiest dirt. It's takes 3 years and so much money that I'm embarrassed to say. Years worth of weekend were spent in Home Depot EXPO and in random shops through the county salvaging antiques, brokering deals and fighting for what they promised us. Save the screens in our bedroom, our dream home is complete. And this week we've officially petitioned the city to rebuild our garage as a 2 story, 2 bed, 2 bath guest house for our families, friends and the fair god mother that is going to find me and help me raise my kids by taking the early morning and witching hour shift! The house is decorated with pumpkins and funny bats in the trees.
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