Thursday, October 1, 2009

Noah Grace on Sarah Palin

About a year ago Broderick told me about an experience he had with Noah will watching the news. He felt compelled to write it down because I had told him of a similar experience I had with Noah. Broderick thought it was so unbelievable that if he didn't write it down word for word then me and everyone else would think he fabricated the story, or at least exzaggerated. So this is what he wrote on the paper over a year ago. Noah was barely 3 at the time and that's how long it has taken me to get to the bottom of a stack of papers that's been sitting on my desk.

Here's the setting, Noah and Broderick are watching MSNBC and they show footage of the notorious Sarah Palin interview.

Noah, "She's going to be hard to talk to."
Daddy, "How do you know?"
Noah, "We are going to find out."

A moment, then..
Noah, "Daddy, you can't watch this everyday."

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