And we did it by a landslide. I hope it's the beginning of Nevada's accent to open mindedness. After Barack won I truly cared about Nevada. We worked so hard there and calling them that I needed NV to go blue and it did!!
This picture was taken at the rally in Henderson. I could've given Obama's speech for him - I know all his jokes, jabs and facts. But I enjoyed being with my bestest friend in the whole world and my husband and all the like minded people. Something that struck me about the crowd was that these people who had gotten up early and battled the crowds to see Obama where of all shades, shapes and lifestyles. I loved seeing the big burly union guys, and the little old ladies, the veterans, the young people, the babies, the Mormans. This campaign is making us believe again. We're being the change we want to see....
I'l be so proud to share my part of this moment in time with our children. Guess what, my kids can REALLY be anything they want and work for... Imagine.
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