As I sit here to write this blog Isaiah sits in a diaper full of stinky chunky green goo. I can smell him but I just need 5 more minutes before I find a diaper and wrestle with him and then change him. I'll then have to wash my hands for the 5th time today and it's only 6:30. I've already changed him once, nursed him, gave him a bottle, fed the dogs and am currently doing a load of laundry. Please RSVP for my pity party, as I'm too tired to do mush else right now. I bring up hand washing because I have some sort of skin condition that comes from washing one's hands too often. I have a cream I'm supposed to use, but honestly that's just one more thing to do and one more item to keep track off. So I put off the diaper change so I can sit down for more than a few minutes. I'll be up and outside shortly when "the guys" get here to do the return to Home Depot. I have to count bags of Spec mix, concrete and loose cinder block. If you didn't know, I am a super hero who does everything all day long and I deserve the biggest prettiest medal - but actually I'd take a hostess cupcake from Crumbs or a letter from the president commemorating my service.
Okay, now it's time for me to count my blessings (Noah, Isaiah, Broderick, my family, this house, our country) and change that diaper!
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