Jenn and Jonathan came and stayed with our family this past weekend. I can't say enough how much I enjoy both of their company. Jonathan is so fun and funny and Jenn is SOOO helpful with the kids and the house. Plus Noah just adores Jenn and every morning when she woke up she asked me where Jenn was over and over again for the next few hours until Jenn woke up. Jenn and I went for a walk/run and she totally broke my jump rope with her crazy jump roping skills (or lack thereof.) On Sunday morning Jenn and Jon went me Noah and I to make up one of her ballet classes. Then we took Noah to play in the playpit (which she loves) and had coffee. It was nice to have some other adults to talk to and watch Noah jump from the cupcake to the watermelon to the big banana.
After the kids took their naps, Jenn, Jonathan and I took the kids to The Grove. I needed to get a pair of sneakers since I am an exercising beast! Because we are gluttons, we first stopped and had Pink Berry in the cool shade. It was the first real ice cream (okay frozen yogurt other than the organic tubes from Trader Joes) that Noah has had. We shared a medium coconut and rasberry Pink Berry. it was delicious, but Noah was shoveling it into her mouth so fast I had to eat fast so I could get some before she ate it all. She got cold and sat with Uncle Jonathan to get warm. She was so funny sitting there shivering eating the ice cream with such furry!
Driving home we saw some young girls at the bus stop in short shorts and tiny t-shirts. They looked cold and Jonathan said, "We might be cold, but we're cute." Then a little voice from the back said, "They're not cute Uncle Jonathan." And they really weren't, at least she's honest!
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