Sleeps from 7 to 5/5:30 (still working on getting him to 7!)
Nurses quickly and demands more
Holds his bottle
Plays in his pack-n-play for a good, long while.
Sits up in his tub and enjoys every second of his bath
Naps like a champ for 2 two hour stints
Cuddles when he's sleepy
Cries for me every other time I walk out the room
Wants to eat ALL the time
Army crawls around the house, following my voice
Gearing up for a real crawl but just shifts back and forth
Curls his hand up and bites his thumb, he's always been a thumb sucker
Sucks his top lip
Chews his tongue if he sees you eating
Laughs at anything you saw as long as you saw it in his face
Kisses his daddy
Sucks my chin, cheeks and nose - leaving my a soppy mess
Loves his sister more than anyone else in the room
Says Dadadadadad over and over, all day long
rolls all over me when he's bored, or hungry or tired
can stay sitting up if you set him down
Still has sour little toes
No teeth, but chews everything
grabs everything in his reach and tries to stick it in his mouth
Claps his hand on mine when he nurses and slaps the table for as long as you let him
Pulled himself up for the first time at my mom's house
Eats brown rice, bananas (his favorite,) carrots, sweet potatoes, rice milk, apple sauce and soy formula.
Keeps his cool in the car seat.
Poops stinky man poops
Doesn't spit up or need to be burped.
Loves his sister's sippy cup.
Tries to crawl up and over me when I'm holding him
Still kicks he non-stop if I la him in bed with us in the morning.
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