Monday, February 11, 2008
Sleeping Beauty
She's sleeping in 'Nana's bed" until her "princess bed" get here. She's getting all ready for her new bed and has her pink heart pillow that she sometimes bring into our bed in the morning. Noah comes into our room most mornings and asks for me to go downstairs and make her milkshake (smoothie.) Then she asks, "Mommy will you set me up for a movie." She means will I turn the TV on and prop her up on the pillows. She likes her heart pillow behind her head. Now that Isaiah's sleeping well oh his own we think that the kids can keep each other company. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it works.
Zay Zay
This little guy's got a great sense of humor. He still sucks his top lip and blows his tongue. He gives wet kisses to both Broderick and I whenever we let him. Every morning he comes to bed with us so I can TRY and get a little more sleep. As soon as he gets in bed he starts rolling over me, head butting and drooling all over both of us. He squeals and grabs my hair and my nose. Today I installed the new car seats for him in both cars - they're still rear facing but he's outgrown the infant carrier - i don't know when all this time passed. Nobody makes him laugh like his big sister. Today he sat with his daddy while he read a script and just laughed and rolled around the bed. His legs are long and meaty and his skin is like honey, but his feet... stink!
Singing in the car

My little beans are growing! A few days ago Noah and I were in the car and Alica Keys. “No One” came on the radio. I REALLY like this song and I swear I can sing it just like Alicia. After the song was over I said, “Dang, I love that song.” Noah sat in her car seat and said, “But I don’t.” When I tried to start singing the next song Noah asked me not to sing and said I was being too loud. The nerve!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Letter to Hillary Clinton
February 4, 2008
Dear Senator Clinton.
I am writing you today to express my disappointment with you, your staff, and your husband. My family, friends, and community have long been supporters of the Clinton family. We’ve read your books, financial supported your campaigns, paid to see you speak and rooted for you all they way. Lately, thought, I have noticed a shift in the support that you long held with many of the democrats in my circle.
When your campaign started I was intrigued and excited about the potential of a brilliant, qualified, passionate and left leaning woman to hold the highest office in America. As a woman I was cheering for you to kick all these men’s behinds at their own game. Shortly after you lost your lead, you lost your way. I saw what the “right wing conspiracy” has seen for a long time ago. My circle has been defending you and Bill for years. We truly believed they were out to get you. I still believe they are out to get you, but I now know why. You give off a sense of entitlement and seem to be able to do anything it takes to get into office. You think the behavior of you, Bill and your staff is acceptable because it’s what’s best for us. What’s best for ALL of us is that the country and the varying shades of Americans are united and proud.
You claim feminism with every breath but I don’t buy it anymore. You seem to be an extension of Bill, not a strong woman standing on her own.
You will do a fine job as President, but the means to get you there are ruthless, dirty and yes, racist. You have left your henchmen to do your dirty work and then pretend it was none of your doing. No one who is paying attention believes you. I have seen your staffers first hand and I find them to be pushy, mean and aggressive.
I will no longer support you or your husband. I hope you don’t get the nomination because the republicans have the facts and the fire to crush your campaign. If do you get into office, the republicans won’t work with you just for spite. It’s an unfair situation, but you have brought a lot of their wrath on yourself.
I am disappointed with your, yes YOUR, behavior. You have lost my vote, my prayers, and my support. I’m not the only one. We are all disappointed with you. You cleaned up your act too late and not because it was right but because it backfired. You were tactical is fueling misinformation into the campaign knowing it would play out with racial overtones. Shame on you.
Jennifer Johnson
Dear Senator Clinton.
I am writing you today to express my disappointment with you, your staff, and your husband. My family, friends, and community have long been supporters of the Clinton family. We’ve read your books, financial supported your campaigns, paid to see you speak and rooted for you all they way. Lately, thought, I have noticed a shift in the support that you long held with many of the democrats in my circle.
When your campaign started I was intrigued and excited about the potential of a brilliant, qualified, passionate and left leaning woman to hold the highest office in America. As a woman I was cheering for you to kick all these men’s behinds at their own game. Shortly after you lost your lead, you lost your way. I saw what the “right wing conspiracy” has seen for a long time ago. My circle has been defending you and Bill for years. We truly believed they were out to get you. I still believe they are out to get you, but I now know why. You give off a sense of entitlement and seem to be able to do anything it takes to get into office. You think the behavior of you, Bill and your staff is acceptable because it’s what’s best for us. What’s best for ALL of us is that the country and the varying shades of Americans are united and proud.
You claim feminism with every breath but I don’t buy it anymore. You seem to be an extension of Bill, not a strong woman standing on her own.
You will do a fine job as President, but the means to get you there are ruthless, dirty and yes, racist. You have left your henchmen to do your dirty work and then pretend it was none of your doing. No one who is paying attention believes you. I have seen your staffers first hand and I find them to be pushy, mean and aggressive.
I will no longer support you or your husband. I hope you don’t get the nomination because the republicans have the facts and the fire to crush your campaign. If do you get into office, the republicans won’t work with you just for spite. It’s an unfair situation, but you have brought a lot of their wrath on yourself.
I am disappointed with your, yes YOUR, behavior. You have lost my vote, my prayers, and my support. I’m not the only one. We are all disappointed with you. You cleaned up your act too late and not because it was right but because it backfired. You were tactical is fueling misinformation into the campaign knowing it would play out with racial overtones. Shame on you.
Jennifer Johnson
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Noah is so ready for school. In fact, she's bored with me most days because I'm such a mother of two that she rarely gets time alone with either of us. Tonight, I let her stay up late since Broderick had a meeting so I could spend some time with just her. She shines when she has me to herself. Happyland promised us they'd have a spot for her this month and then forgot all about us. Now, we have to wait until July. LA is a nutty place - there are waiting lists for preschools and daycare doesn't exist in my area unless you consider people putting a jungle gym in their front yard and them hiring their family members to watch the kids. So we wait. I'm bummed out because I think she's missing out on a lot of attention, social interaction and fun. She doesn't interact with people well. She's shy and it takes a while for her to warm up, if she does a all. She doesn't answer questions like, What's your name?" from stangers or either of us.
Here she is with her friend Ali.
What does an 8 month old do?
Sleeps from 7 to 5/5:30 (still working on getting him to 7!)
Nurses quickly and demands more
Holds his bottle
Plays in his pack-n-play for a good, long while.
Sits up in his tub and enjoys every second of his bath
Naps like a champ for 2 two hour stints
Cuddles when he's sleepy
Cries for me every other time I walk out the room
Wants to eat ALL the time
Army crawls around the house, following my voice
Gearing up for a real crawl but just shifts back and forth
Curls his hand up and bites his thumb, he's always been a thumb sucker
Sucks his top lip
Chews his tongue if he sees you eating
Laughs at anything you saw as long as you saw it in his face
Kisses his daddy
Sucks my chin, cheeks and nose - leaving my a soppy mess
Loves his sister more than anyone else in the room
Says Dadadadadad over and over, all day long
rolls all over me when he's bored, or hungry or tired
can stay sitting up if you set him down
Still has sour little toes
No teeth, but chews everything
grabs everything in his reach and tries to stick it in his mouth
Claps his hand on mine when he nurses and slaps the table for as long as you let him
Pulled himself up for the first time at my mom's house
Eats brown rice, bananas (his favorite,) carrots, sweet potatoes, rice milk, apple sauce and soy formula.
Keeps his cool in the car seat.
Poops stinky man poops
Doesn't spit up or need to be burped.
Loves his sister's sippy cup.
Tries to crawl up and over me when I'm holding him
Still kicks he non-stop if I la him in bed with us in the morning.
Wiggle Worm
Zay Zay is 8 months old and I swear everyday I will slow down and just stare at him so I can take it all in. I want to burn his 8 month old face and development into my brain. I look back at pictures of him from birth and don't remember him being that small - hasn't he always been a sack of squirming potatoes? We started him on a bottle because last weekend was my first trip away from him. He stayed with my mom while I had a girl's weekend and had one of the best times of my life - but to be honest I have a lot of good times. Tonight I almost peed my pants laughing at Noah knock on the door while Broderick was disposed, she asked, "Are you going poop?" She kept asking and asking and Broderick tried to ignore her, then she asked, Does it stink in there?" Now, to be honest I did prompt her a bit but I has a bast!
Riddles & Jokes
Noah has learned the charm of jokes. She hasn't learned the pacing or the importance of the punch-line, but she knows we get a kick out of her asking us why the chicken crossed the road. Sometimes she says the punch-line before you get to shrug your shoulders and tell her, "I don't know, why?" Tonight she learned a riddle. It took several tries and still hasn't totally worked it out. She asks, "What's black and white and red all over?" When you say, "What," she twinkles her eyes and covers her mouth and giggles and says, "Paper with paint on it." We tried to tell her it's, a newspaper, but she thinks paper with paint on it is much funnier. Actually, she's right.
Don't get her started on Knock, knock... she'll tell you it's Orange before she even tries to say banana.
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