ZayZay is as perfect as can be, and needy and sweet and loud. I shouldn't complain because he has mastered the feat of sleeping through the night and that's worth more a few wrestling matches - he's strong and my arms are so weak by the end of the day. He squirms when he nurses, he kicks when I bring him in bed in the morning, and he pulls my hair when I carry him. This morning while I was changing him in our bed I felt suddenly warm. It took a moment for me to realize that I had been squirted from my chest down to my feet. My 1200 count sheets are covered with pee, poo, rice milk from Noah's sippy cup and drool from a teething baby... not to mention KFC crumbs, toys, and some random bedside lotion Noah tried to rub into her feet and hair yesterday. Even with the saggy (way to old) mattress, it's the only bed I want to be in.